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Common Compliance Questions about Testimonial Use
As is fitting for a compliance-themed article, we will start with a disclaimer: We are going to discuss the compliance rules around testimonials that our compliance department has determined for our affiliated advisors. However, different Registered Investment Advisors may interpret the Rule and/or have policies that do not match the information in this blog surrounding testimonial and endorsement use in advisor marketing materials. So, please know that you should reach out to your own firm with questions before taking action on using testimonials in your marketing materials.

3 Marketing Steps to Leverage Reg BI
The financial industry saw a shift when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted a new rule under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This rule established a new standard of conduct for broker-dealers and their registered representatives. Known as “Regulation Best Interest,” or “Reg BI”, this regulation enhanced the broker- dealer standard of conduct beyond existing suitability obligations.

Is the Latest (2024) DOL Fiduciary Rule Dead?
In recent developments, two U.S. District Courts in Texas have issued stays on the enforcement of the new fiduciary regulations and associated prohibited transaction exemptions, as set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) in April 2024. These regulations, intended to take effect on September 23, 2024, are now delayed indefinitely. Does that mean it’s dead? Not necessarily, but it definitely appears to be on life support.