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Creating Professional Contrast: The Words Matter
As we progress with advisors that are engaged with USA Financial in coaching and consulting, it eventually gets down to this: With all due respect to the skilled and successful advisors we work with, we really couldn't care less whether your clients can talk about you. I think all of us would agree that our clients can talk about us. What we care about is whether or not they feel compelled to do so.

The CarMax Story
As the Coaching and Consulting team at USA Financial has continued to evolve over the years and add new consulting programs, we have had opportunities to talk about real life experiences centered around the idea of the importance of “process” in creating professional contrast, and imprinting the idea of meaningful value on prospects and clients.

Three Issues that Stall Enterprise Growth
Compensation and commoditization are no longer industry buzzwords. They are real issues that are sure to continually increase in the coming years and provide threats to successful advisory practices. As a result, the goal of every firm should be to replicate their best clients, and even better would be to compel those clients to replicate themselves.