Chain-of-Secrets Foundations
Affiliated Advisors
Launched in 2004, the Chain-of-Secrets event series was created to foster the open exchange of business building concepts and ideas within an exclusive group format.
As the name implies, the Chain-of-Secrets Foundations event is designed to set the stage for (and infuse) entrepreneurial thinking inside your financial advisory practice.
As an invite-only event, attendees typically include financial advisors who recently affiliated with USA Financial or long-time veterans with USA Financial who simply want a refresher on the core content. Those involved in the Chain-of-Secrets will enjoy a camaraderie and brain-trust unlike any other in the industry.
In addition to the ideas you’ll pick up during the session, this event also provides an opportunity to connect and collaborate with like-minded advisors about the various struggles and successes they’ve experienced on their journey to develop their ideal practice.
The COS Foundations session is designed for smaller groups as we’ve found the smaller format offers a more conducive environment for open dialogue about the content.
As an independent financial advisor, you’re forced to wear many hats, including that of a business owner. This event will challenge you to approach problems and ideas with an entrepreneurial mindset. You’ll get introduced to a bevy of new ideas and approaches to think differently about your business. The small group nature of the session provides the perfect venue to discuss these ideas with like-minded advisors in a collaborative environment. It’s an exchange of “secrets” so you can grow your business. To make better use of your time, the event is held as a one-day Fast-Track session.
The COS Foundations Fast-Track session can benefit our advisors in several ways, including:

Exchange of ideas shared with other experienced financial professionals.
The opportunity to get feedback on your own business practices and hands-on training.
Gain the marketing tools you need to promote your practice more effectively.
Time Busters & Team Builders
- Time, money, cashflow, and people
- Game, prep, rejuvenate
- Knowing your number
- 80% rollout
- Renegade millionaire mindset
Expert-Trusted Advisor Positioning
- Unique selling proposition
- Risk return
- Unique business opportunity
- Change is your best friend
- Expert-trusted authority
- Front-end revenue vs. back-end revenue
Reminiscing About the Future
- Measure based on past vs. unsubstantiated ideal
- Performance measuring techniques
- Strategic byproduct
- Business lifecycles
Quick-Fire Exponential Resources
- Entrepreneurial systemization
- Economic model for hiring (both people and technology)
- Delegating responsibilities vs. obligations
- Action & discipline deadlines
Auto-Pilot Client Assembly Line
- Definition of marketing
- Marketing systems
- Marketing credibility vs. cost quadrants
- Increase sales
- Marketing funnel
- Engagement letter
Entrepreneurial Math & Compliance
- Cash flow organizational chart
- What to negotiate (and/or manage or delegate)
- How to name to create tangibility
- Success by differentiation

Interested in attending?
Learn more about taking your business to the next level by completing the interest form above. You will be contacted shortly after submission to discuss the event, answer questions, and discuss next steps.