A smooth 12-step process uncovered and discovered, over a 35+ year journey, that generates a predictable practice with automated revenue and lifetime reward.
There is no single silver-bullet to become an elite advisor or to run an elite practice. However, there is a chain-of-secrets. These steps (aka, the secrets) effectively string together in a chain that allows for small hinges to swing big, heavy doors – making massive improvements in your overall growth, the value of your business, and the lifestyle you enjoy.
#1 - Push the Buttons, Pull the Levers (must needed systems & processes)
#2 - The Family Doctor Retains the Patients (gathering 100% of the assets with the ACP system)
#3 - Focus on What You're Most Highly Paid to Do (kill your RPM and other distracting activities)
#4 - Base Transactions to Magnetically Gather Assets (foundational accounts free up equity investing)
#5 - Create a Perennial Recurring Revenue Stream (targeting AUM/AUA and other systematic fees)
#6 - Make Your Customers' Decisions Easy (keeping in the public eye with a proprietary formula)
#7 - Duplicate your Best Clients without Referrals (regenerate ideal clients over and over again)
#8 - Stop Trying to Find Your Mini-Me (start building around the rainmaker)
#9 - Abandon What You're Not Wired For (stop doing paperwork and other BS)
#10 - Increase Your Worth by 20% Instantly (how to track your private stock price)
#11 - Biz Owned by Family Smokes a Family-Owned Biz (a job is worthless; a business is valuable)
#12 - Institutional Combat vs. Collaboration (the partnership that is rocket fuel for success)
BONUS - Protection Against the #1 Loss of Client Assets (winning with the non-financial spouse)
Mike Walters is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of USA Financial, leading the firm since its inception in 1988. Mike is committed to...
As the year winds down, it's time once again to reassess and realign your practice with your broader personal and professional goals, as we discussed in a previous article, "The Power of Planning: Why Financial Advisors Need a Yearly Game Plan."
Let’s have a conversation, just you and me. Imagine you’re a financial advisor, someone who’s built a solid business, developed a loyal client base, and is doing reasonably well. But lately, maybe you’ve been wondering if there’s something more — some hidden potential you’re not tapping into. Perhaps you’re feeling like you’ve plateaued, or you’re getting bogged down by the day-to-day grind and losing sight of the bigger picture.
Financial advisors often debate whether or not they should hire someone to work inside of their practice. This typically comes up because they realize just how much time they're spending on something they're not passionate about - be it calendar management, file management, marketing, or the never-ending paperwork.
As the year winds down, it's time once again to reassess and realign your practice with your broader personal and professional goals, as we discussed in a previous article, "The Power of Planning: Why Financial Advisors Need a Yearly Game Plan."
Let’s have a conversation, just you and me. Imagine you’re a financial advisor, someone who’s built a solid business, developed a loyal client base, and is doing reasonably well. But lately, maybe you’ve been wondering if there’s something more — some hidden potential you’re not tapping into. Perhaps you’re feeling like you’ve plateaued, or you’re getting bogged down by the day-to-day grind and losing sight of the bigger picture.
Financial advisors often debate whether or not they should hire someone to work inside of their practice. This typically comes up because they realize just how much time they're spending on something they're not passionate about - be it calendar management, file management, marketing, or the never-ending paperwork.