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Marketing your Brand from Inside Out

Marketing your Brand from Inside Out | USA Financial
Jun 24

As a financial advisor, your brand is everything. It's what separates you from the countless other professionals out there vying for clients' trust and loyalty. But have you ever stopped to think about who's really responsible for bringing your brand to life? That's right – your staff, and the people within your firm who interact with your clients.

You might be thinking, “But isn’t that what HR is for?”

Well, not entirely.

Before I joined the awesome team at USA Financial, I spent several years working in marketing agencies, helping brands promote their goods or services to their customers. One thing I noticed was that the brands with the most engaged and excited employees had an undeniable energy that spilled over into their customer interactions. Their teams had genuinely bought into the company’s values and vision. The authenticity of their brand culture was undeniable. It shone through in everything they did, making it hard to miss the genuineness.

Think about it – how many times have you heard stories of someone who was excited to work for a company, only to find out the internal reality was nothing like the external brand they saw? It’s a major letdown, right? And that can quickly erode trust, which is crucial, especially as it pertains to the relationship between you (the advisor) and your client.

Here’s the thing: your staff are the face of your brand. They’re the ones interpreting your vision and translating it into real interactions with clients every single day. They’re the magic-makers, the ones who turn your vision into a tangible experience for your clients. If they’re not feeling the brand love on the inside, how can you expect them to embody it authentically?

That’s why it’s important to focus on marketing your brand both internally and externally. When you prioritize sharing your firm’s core values and differentiators with your own team, not just to potential clients, you create a positive feedback loop. Engaged, enthusiastic staff provide exceptional client experiences, strengthening your reputation and attracting more of your ideal clientele. It’s a cycle that keeps your brand top-of-mind and business will continue growing.

So, let’s get real. Building an authentic and sustainable brand for your financial advisory practice isn’t just about the fancy marketing campaigns. It’s about cultivating a genuine brand experience from the inside out – one that starts with your team. Your employees are your biggest brand ambassadors, so treat them as such.

But how do you get them to understand and embody your “why”? To communicate the genuine passion externally? It starts with taking the time to clearly define and articulate your firm’s core mission, values, and unique differentiators. Get specific about what you’re looking to achieve and the experience you aim to provide.

From there, make this a top priority for your staff. Dedicate team meetings to exploring real examples of what your principles look like in action. Celebrate those staff members who go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service to your clients. The key is to create a feedback loop that involved learning, reinforcement, and recognition.

When your staff understands your “why” for growing your practice and sees it modeled consistently, they can’t help but communicate authenticity. That’s when the magic happens – prospective clients start to feel that energizing difference and forget what they thought they knew about financial advisors.

So, make your internal brand experience just as memorable as any external marketing campaign. Trust me, that authentic energy is contagious – and the secret sauce for long-term success.

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